Your Trip:
B’nai B’rith Santa Barbara Israel Partnership JourneyNew RequestExploring Jewish Greece with Temple Sinai AtlantaNew RequestJewish Federation of Sarasota-ManateeNew RequestAdath Jeshurun Journey to ArgentinaNew RequestThe Temple Solidarity Mission: Sharing our Lives with Israel…Learning, Caring, GivingNew RequestCongregation B’nai TorahNew RequestAJMA Ilene Serlin ז”ל Trauma Mission to IsraelNew RequestTemple Beth Shalom Journey to MoroccoNew RequestIsrael 614: Columbus Community MissionNew RequestTemple Emunah Spain + MoroccoNew RequestScarsdale SynagogueNew Request
“You can go as far as you think, imagine and dream. Anything is possible.”
Lailah Gifty Akita
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